At 7:26 AM 07/17/02, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

>> This is similar to the issue with expressions, isn't it?   If the usual
>> text attributes were available for this text string, you could fix any
>> problem with tracking and/or baseline shift.
>No, because you cannot influence individual characters, at least not as far
>as I can see. It's the dots relation to the Number that is the problem.

As things are, no, you can't fix it.  If the usual text attributes applied,
then yes you could. For example, if you had the exact same thing in a text
box, you could fix it, using tracking and/or baseline shift.

As for influencing individual characters, there are many places where you
can't use these features at all, but as far as I know, everywhere that you
can use them you can apply them to individual characters.  (Baseline shift
would be pointless if it could only be applied to the entire string; it
would be no different from changing the V position of the element.)

Perhaps I'm just not understanding what you're saying.


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