>  > My default file is also set to
>  >Engraver, and produces perfect 32nd-64th flags, but the orchestral
>>file I'm working on (which I created by clearing the notes from a
>>copy of another such file) requires totally different settings to
>>produce acceptable results. I double-checked, and no, the flags are
>>not in a different font from the rest of the notation, so this is
>>very peculiar.
>I assume you've confirmed that all the flag positioning values are the same
>in both files, right?
>If so, that is very peculiar.  Perhaps it's some sort of rounding error
>resulting from a different reduction percentage?

No, that's precisely the point: different flag positioning is 
required to get the same visual results. If I enter the Default 
file's values in the orchestral file, the third flag overlaps the 

Andrew Stiller
Kallisti Music Press


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