"David W. Fenton" wrote, in part:

> The system is designed around an assumption that the default and most
> desirable method for lyrics entry is to enter the words used one
> time, and then assign them all multiple times.

I'm not sure that that is the default assumption; I'd rather suspect that the
assumption is that the user will enter all of the lyrics for each staff, but has the
options, when it is expedient or convenient, to link several notes to a single
syllable.  The behavior of the lyrics susbsytem, IMO, supports both supposed
assumptions equally well, but I cannot concieve of anyone, even a percussionist,
making the assumption you assert was the basis for the design of thy lyrics system.
(Although, I suppose, a conductor might)

> there is no representation at all of what connects to what,

Is this "plug-in" territory?  I don't yet know enough about programming to know for
sure, but it seems logical that a plug in could examine a text block, list all of
the assignments between a given lyric syllable and various lines, and make it simple
to delete one or more assignments without affecting others.


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