Apologies to other listers- this is only way I know to contact David!

On 3/8/01 you sent to me, at my request a detailed instruction re page
layout- specifically how to 'force' 13 or 14 staves per page. Also 15
measures per staff.
By the time I got it I had 'fudged' to the desired situation so didn't use
it at the time. Now, I again have the same problem so I dug out the
print-out of yours 3/8/01.

You say; Move upper and lower handles (in Page Layout) to minimum required
space. Done!
Then drag staff up high to where required. Done!
Then, under page layout menu, select Systems, then select Staff range, set
this 1 to 99. Then click and move one handle on Staff 1, returning to
original place- then let go. Done.
ALL the systems should now be same size. OOPS! Not so!
Top handle seems to have 'worked' but not lower. Tried same thing four
times, starting each time from scratch. Same result- or lack of!
The instructions which follow seem to work; i.e. reset staff range to 2 -99
and move 2nd staff to position- all staves should now jump into position.

Again- I can fudge it- but to be so close and miss out! Any ideas?
Regards, Keith in OZ

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