Does the way of creating pdf files and saving them in eps create real eps
But this way is working.

Big question : Why is it impossible to create directy workable eps files
using export page with adobe poscript driver in finale?

----- Original Message -----
From: "d. collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Finale] Eps fonts

> Dennis Bathory-Kitsz écrit:
> >What is your procedure? Here is how I work.
> >
> >1. Change default printer to Acrobat Distiller.
> >2. Open Finale file.
> >3. Set up printer with 3 options (embed, subset, portable)
> >4. Print to Acrobat Distiller as "print to file"
> >5. Choose EPS.
> >
> >The result appears to work.
> Here is another way which enables you to see the result before making the
> EPS. This is how I proceed.
> 1. as above
> 2. as above
> 3. as above
> 4. Print to Acrobat Distiller (without ticking "print to file")
> 5. Open the resulting PDF in Acrobat and save as EPS
> Dennis
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