(Cross-posted in part to the Orchestralist and Community Music List.)

Played a very successful Pops concert yesterday, and wanted to pass on
comments on engraving and layout issues on specific pieces.

"West Side Story," I don't have the arranger but it's the standard
symphonic medley
        Typical bowing problems from an arranger who knew what he wanted
but didn't know enough about string bowings to make it clear.  Needs
rebowing extensively, especially where "phrase marks" are impractial as
bowings.  We've discussed this before, and the problem won't go away if you
ignore it.

"Harry Potter Symphonic Suite," John Williams, arr. by Jerry Brubaker
        Great film music that finally breaks away from the Star Wars image.
Pretty good bowings but not great.

"Symphonic Suite from The Lord of the Rings," arr. John Whitney
        My God!  An arranger who knows exactly what he wants from the
strings and exactly how to get it!  In the first 10 bars you know he
understands what bowings can do, so you trust him for the rest of the
piece.  There's always an obvious reason for his bowings, they answer
ambiguous questions or dictate specific articulations, and NO "PHRASE
MARKS"!  No, not quite perfect.  There's one spot near the end where the
bowing doesn't come out right.  Everything else works.  This should be your
ideal!  The engraver did a nice job of placing about the only possible page
turn (3 bars rest) at the bottom of page 2, BUT the music editor printed it
as a booklet with very bad page turns at the bottom of pages 1 & 3.
Stupid, because it didn't even save any paper.  I was especially aware of
this because I was odd man out in a 5-person section, and had to make my
own page turns.  When will they learn!?


John & Susie Howell
Virginia Tech Department of Music
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411   Fax (540) 231-5034

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