In 2001d:

The only way I know how to do this is to change the note heads into the
appropriate rests on an individual basis. But you will have a lot of things
to worry about, including playback issues (if it applies), stem-hiding
issues (on half notes), and you will be limited to only two positions of the
rests (one ledger line above and one below the staff), since higher and
lower positions will result in two ledger lines.

So, in order to do this, you have to have a huge desire to have the thicker
lines.  :)

Happy engraving,

From: shirling & neueweise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> is there any way to change the default thickness of the line on the 1/2
and whole rest when it appears above the staff [in 2001d, or in 2003]?  it
seems to be calculated to match the staff line thicknesses, but would make
more sense [to me at least] if it were calculated according to ledger line
thicknesses, yes?

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