I've been working with php-Nuke enough for the last 6 months, it's about
time to put it to good use. :)

I'm trying to develop a *FREE* MIDI Composer Community that people can
use to showcase their stuff. I think that the software we're using for
the website would be perfect for doing this sort of thing and I'd like
to give something BACK to everyone that has been posting REALLY helpful
stuff to me and everyone else on the list.

I'm not a company and by no means a professional in the MIDI Realm so
I'm gearing this site towards the Hobbyist. We'd like to have info on
the hardware, software, plugins or anything else that people use in a
non-professional setting. This is NOT a Commercial site. There's no
popups or Commercial Advertisement.

Anyway - if you're interested, please check the site out and if you're
so inclined, join the Community. :)

Jim Hale
'The OS Tells The PC What To Do With Itself" - Me, 1990
Visit Our MIDI & Digital Audio Website at http://hale.dyndns.org or Our
Forums At http://haleforum.dyndns.org

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