Barb Levy queried:

OK, I've read the manual, both OLD and paper, followed the directions, and
still cannot enter notation using my clarinet with either Speedy Entry or
Hyperscribe.  I can set volume level in the "Enable MicNotator" window with
no problems, and, yes, I checked the "Enable MicNotator" box.

What, pray tell, am I not doing that I should be doing (or doing that I
shouldn't be doing)?

To which David Bailey replied:

First off, mic-notator isn't supposed to work with speedy entry.  That is a
note-by-note entry method, where you can use a midi-keyboard to specify the
pitch and the computer keyboard to specify the duration, or you can use only
the computer keyboard to specify both pitch and duration.

My response:

Actually MicNotator does work with Speedy Entry as I've proven to my own
satisfaction (Win 98SE, Fin 2003, Buffet clarinet), but it will only do so
with the MicNotator window open. It is not possible to have it open using
Hyperscribe, but then I have no success entering notation the way the OLD
describes. Zip, zilch.

Now my Behringer XM 2000S microphone is no world beater, but it works for
all the other applications I need it for (primarily Cakewalk). I will borrow
a better mic and see if that gives better results as David suggests, but I
suspect that his jaundiced view that MicNotator is "one of those
marketing-guys add-ons to the program in an effort to suck in a broader
user-base, but which doesn't work very well in practice" is not too far off
the mark.

Rudolf van Berkum

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