I checked with a colleague who has conducted the piece.  He confirmed that
our interpretation of the flute part is correct. (Rereading your note,
Colin, I believe you were describing the same thing I was, but in different

As for the bass clarinet part, he tells me that Stravinsky went back and
forth between French and German style for no apparent reason, and then
eventually settled on French. Looking ahead in the score I see plenty more
clef switching.

Perhaps an inquiry on the clarinet list would turn up some opinions?

At 11:40 AM 10/13/02, Aaron Sherber wrote:
>Looking at the score, I would actually guess that it *is* to avoid ledger
>lines -- which would collide with the bassoon part just below it.

I was starting to think that, too, but the rest of the score doesn't follow
the pattern.  After [6] there's more usage of the bass clef, with no high
notes in the staff below.  Then later at [8] it's back in the treble clef,
even though there are written low G's.


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