At 6:02 PM +1000 10/17/02, helgesen wrote:
>Attn; Dave Bailey.  I must be thick!- or missing something blindingly
>Acting on your advice I went to Expression Tool-Create-select Font (Maestro)
>size 24Bold-OK.
>Back to basic box- asking me to type in what I want to create (it tells me
>it's set for Maestro24)
>What do I type in? Where do I find this info? I've looked at the Coda sign
>in Repeat tools, it tells me it's in MaestroFont, and the symbol given is
>like a little hat standing on it's edge- or a small capital P with the same
>line going up as is seen going down. (Silly description- hope you know what
>I mean) How do I type in that symbol? Does it have a qwerty keyboard

I don't know what the keystroke for that symbol is, but its not 
important, because if you select it and copy it (command-C in Mac, I 
think it's control-C in PC) from the Repeat Tool edit window then 
paste it into the Expression Tool>Create dialogue box, you will 
effectively re-create it. I'm glad that you checked what the font and 
size is, because that can be a head-scratcher if you don't have the 
right one.

>I've tried 'open library' in File menu, basically looking for a "this equals
>that" or "# = %",  or similar but libraries won't open. When I push and prod
>I'm told "invalid File name"- or somesuch message.
>When I click on 'open libraries' it flicks back to the basic open work file.
>I looked in the basic manual, but it's too basic and I've looked in OLD-
>mindbogglingly complex.

Up in the Help menu (This is Mac, I hope there is one on PC) you will 
see something like Character Map for Maestro Font. This is a chart of 
symbols and keystrokes for every symbol in Maestro. But as I said, 
the easiest way is just to copy it from the Repeat Tool.

>As I said- I'm sure it's going to be embarrassingly obvious, and prove my
>original statement- I must be thick!

Nah, you're not thick, it's a real pain sometimes. Once you have 
created this expression, save it in your Default File so that you 
never have to create it again. At least that way you only have to 
bang your head against the wall once, instead of several times.


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