Hi Crystal,

You really do want to scan at least one or two typical pieces out of the
2000 they want to do to see how well this works. Or as Aaron suggested,
the person making the request do it for you, and open it in Finale
Notepad. It could save you or cost you time, depending on the music

If you're on a PC, you can get the SharpEye and Dolet 30-day demos and
use them with any version of Finale back to Finale 2000:


I think you're on a Mac, though. In that case, you might want to see
what's available with demo versions of Finale 2003 and the full version
of SmartScore. You might also be able to use the full version of
SmartScore with your current version of Finale.

If you're doing this many songs, I don't think you'll want the light
version of any scanning program. You'll need the most
industrial-strength scanning you can get, and see if it meets your

Good luck,

Michael Good
Recordare LLC

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