At 7:52 AM -0800 11/9/02, I wrote:

The people who made up the list (which included a lot of classical masterpieces from across the centuries) needed a "minority" and a "woman" composer for the list in order to be PC. So they combined the two and chose Billie Holiday! With all the great music being written these days by people "of color" and with all the fabulous women who are writing music, they chose a . . . well, you know what the fabulous Billie was, and in the biography that accompanied each work, it was fairly clear that this was not a good role model for young women, African-American or not, nor for aspiring "composers".
Before someone points out that neither were many of the dead, white, male composers "good role models," let me hasten to say that my objection was that this was the ONLY example of a woman and an African American they could come up with.... and not a real "composer, at that." The cheesy-ness and inappropriateness of this choice was what galled me, with all the great women and African-American composers to choose from...
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