Thanks, Cecil, that helped a lot. I had guessed that the note on "more" was an
d, but that was obviously wrong...
And yes, the D/E resolves to E7(b9) (the original was in A maj too).
Thanks again!

Cecil Rigby wrote:

> Hi Barbara--
> attached are two pictures from an arrangement I made---- see if this will
> answer your question. The piece I have is in A.......
> > The last syllable gets the notes (bass) E-A (treble)
> > D-F#. The chords says D/E. And now for my question: which treble note, D
> > or F#, is melody and which is part of the chord?
> In the key of A the D/E chord is a suspension.... did the editor forget to
> put in the resolving chord, E7/E  ?
> The E is the last syllable's note! Transpose accordingly if A isn't a
> suitable key........
> hope this helps-
> Cecil Rigby
> HarrockHallMusic
> Handlo Music, Ltd.

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