see below!

Raimund Lintzen

Patsy Moore schrieb:

> Hello,
> I'm working with my orchestra on a Bach Lied with the following text. I
> usually have at least one short Bach chorale or similar piece in their
> repertoire because the harmonies and individual parts are so
> interesting. I've attempted a translation of the text, but would be
> grateful if one of our bilingual members could improve it for me. Please
> reply by personal e-mail.
> Brunnquell aller Güter,
>    Source of all goodness,

Gut, Güter(plural) = goods; like worldly goods = irdische Güter

goodness = Güte, Gütigkeit; like goodness of heart = Herzensgüte

> Herrscher der Gemüther,
>    ruler of souls,
> lebendiger Wind,
>    lively wind,
> Stiller aller Schmerzen,
>    calmer of all pains,
> dessen Glanz und Kerzen
>    whose brightness and candles
> mein Gemüth entzündt,
>    inflame my soul,
> lehre meine schwache Saiten
>    teach my weak strings
> deine Kraft und Lob ausbreiten.
>    to extend Thy power and praise.
> Patsy Moore
> --
> Patsy Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (formerly [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Conductor, arranger, etc. etc. Newbury College Late Starters' Orchestra
> Web site:
> N.B. our system rejects emails of more than 300k automatically: warn me
> beforehand if you want to send one.
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