> At 9:11 PM -0800 12/09/02, Jim O'Briant wrote:
> >Another basic question from an Encore-to-Finale convert .....
> >
> >In Finale, I've figured out the difference between attaching a
> text box to a
> >page and attaching it to a measure.  My question is this:
> >
> >I'm typesetting a "theme and variations" piece for Brass Quintet, on a
> >five-staff score.  At the start of each variation I've added a text box
> >saying, for example, VAR. I or VAR. II.  Each text box is attached to a
> >particular measure, but I've put them only above the top
> (Trumpet I) staff
> >in the score.
> >
> >The question is this:  When I extract the parts, will these text boxes
> >appear on all five parts, or will they appear only on the Trumpet I part?
> >
> >Put another way, what's the difference between single text box that will
> >appear on every extracted part vs. one that will appear only on the
> >extracted part to which it's attached?
> I suspect you are using the Text Tool (looks like a capital A) which
> is the wrong tool for this job. It is for titles, composer,
> instrument names, and long text boxes that need to wrap lines. For
> rehearsal letters, mute changes, dynamics, tempo markings, or Var. I
> you need to use the Expression Tool (looks like mf). There are two
> flavours; note-attached and staff-attached, which is toggle-able in
> the dialogue box. Note attached always attach ONLY to the staff that
> you assign it to, while staff attached has a variety of options that
> can be set, like to all brass except Tpt 1 (staff list, easily
> customisable), or above the top staff only on the score, but at the
> top of EVERY extracted part, etc.
> You might have to refer to the manual to get all the right poop.
> Write again if you can't understand something.
> Christopher

One other reason to use the Text rather than Expression Tool is that you
can't mix fonts in an expression.  Still, expressions are so much more
flexible than text that when I need something like "Moderato" followed by a
metronome marking in parentheses, I overlay two expressions.  Hmm, maybe
multiple fonts in an expression is a wish list item?


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