I have only recently gotten this book and, of the 400 some pages, have only
read about 50. At this point I would say that it is perfect for the neophyte
Finale user, and I, a WinFin user since 1.1, have learned some things I
didn't know in those first 50 pages. It is also useful because it covers
Finale 2003. There is a CD included which has most of the third party
plug-ins including SharpEye and Dolet (full-featured demos). I did notice
that there were some things missing in the index: Grace Notes and something
else which I can't remember.

Even after the short time I have had the book I  would recommend it for both
new and long of tooth users.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marcus Girvan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:47 PM
Subject: [Finale] Finale Books

> There is a new book out on Finale called "Finale Power" and there is an
> earlier one called "An Easy Guide to Music Notation with CDROM". I seem to
> remember the latter having less than ecstatic reviews. Has any one seen
> "Finale Power"? It is certainly cheaper, about half the price of the older
> book so purchase wouldn't be that disastrous if it wasn't brilliant but I
> would like something that is a bit more accessible than the Finale manual
> itself.
> Marcus
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