Are you sure that Coda will get your email?

Last time I wrote using that email address, I didn't get any sort of reply
until I resent the email to:



----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Yates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2002 3:33 AM
Subject: [Finale] Disappointing updater

> Dear Coda,
> I have downloaded the Fin2003a updater and am very disappointed. While
> comparatively obscure bugs have been fixed, three very commonly occurring
> ones have been ignored. I was really quite surprised that they have
> apparently received no attention:
> 1. Jumping articulation handles: after entering an articulation, dragging
> and then releasing the mouse button causes the articulation to fly off to
> the side if the staff has been reduced/enlarged from 100%. This bug was
> found and corrected several years ago (with, I think, expressions) but has
> popped up again, now with articulations. Do you remember how you fixed it
> last time?
> 2. Spacing within the Speedy Entry box is distorted between grayed-out
> layers and the layer being entered. The spacing is not reconciled until
> measure is exited. It makes note entry difficult when you are trying to
> enter notes in one layer based on what is in the other layer and they do
> line up as they should. This did not used to be the case.
> 3. Again, in the Speedy Entry box, ties in a grayed-out layer are either
> missing or are vertically displaced and then arranged correctly only when
> the measure is exited.
> These three bugs are commonly encountered, annoying, and entirely
> unnecessary. Do you expect to fix these in upcoming releases?
> Richard Yates

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