Hi there,
I'm wondering if one of you already used the export graphic option on
Finale and import it on X-Press.
I did it on my computer and it worked just fine.
However, when I sent it to my producer, he cannot see the finale notes
on my X-Press file. He only sees the staff with weird symbols instead of
the notes/clefs.
I know there's probably something wrong with the font but I do have all
maestro fonts on both computers and it still doesn't work.
If someone can help me, this will save my day and maybe even my life :-)
Thanks in advance,
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Finale mailing list
- Re: [Finale] [OT] Finale EPS Export and X-Press Vincent Cordel
- Re: [Finale] [OT] Finale EPS Export and X-Press Javier Ruiz
- Re: [Finale] [OT] Finale EPS Export and X-Press Harold Owen
- Re: [Finale] [OT] Finale EPS Export and X-Press Harold Owen