Bob, which version of Finale is this? I'm not sure what you mean by:

and then in Staff tools use clear alternate notation .
I can't find this command in Finale 2003. In all versions of Finale since 2000, alternate notation is applied using a staff style, so all you need to do to get rid of it is to remove the staff style from the measures in question. Choose Staff tool, make sure that "Show Staff Styles" is selected in the Staff menu, highlight the the coloured line that marks the staff style and delete it.

Alternatively, if you're not using any other staff styles, you can use Mass Edit > Clear Items, choose "Measure Items" and check "Staff Styles".

Michael Cook

At 8:39 -0800 14/12/2002, Bob Florence wrote:
Hello Listers:

While working on a drum part on a score, I highlighted by accident the
whole drum lime and put in one bar repeats.
I hit "clear everything" and then in Staff tools use clear alternate
notation . I couldn't get rid of anything on that part. I finally
deleted the drum part from the score and then inserted it back where it
belonged. This is not a bug. This was my doing. It there a way of
correcting this problem without having to delete the drum line?

The good news was that I had just started to notate and hardly lost

Thanks you all for your help over the years. I have been using Fina;e
for about nine years and can still find ways of getting into trouble :-)

Bob Florence

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