>Horns, (again!) sustaining note for 9 measures. Apply "number repeated
>measures" plug-in. Measure 2 of sustain is numbered 1, and last measure not
>numbered. So I get numbers 1---7 on measures 2---8.
>I can see why- strictly speaking first and last are NOT repeated measures,
>because first is not tied to previous note, and last is not tied to
>following note, and it is 'kludgeable'- remove ties, enter numbers, replace
>ties. But surely this should be do-able? Some sort of mandatory "Number
>these measures- do as your told- don't argue!"
>Any thoughts?

I do mostly piano-vocal scores, so I don't have much opportunity to use to
repeated measures, but I vaguely remember going through something like this
about a year ago. I also wanted to increase the type size of all the
numbers. If I recall correctly, I did the following:

(1) Create my own set of expressions -- "2", "3", "4", etc. -- in the size
and font I want. (I had these in place in my template.)

(2) Use the plug-in, letting it number the measures by its own logic.

(3) After the plug-in's numbers are in place, enter the expression list.
Select all the number expressions created by the plug-in and choose

(4) When Finale gives the warning that the expression is in use, tell it to
replace the expression with the expression I created myself, at the same
time incrementing the number, so that the plug-in's "1" is replaced by my
"2", the plug-in's "2" is replaced by my "3", etc.

It's most efficient to do this after you've got all the numbers in place
and are done with the plug-in. If you use the plug-in again subsequently,
it will create a new batch of numbers and you'll have to go through the
replacement process all over again.

The delete/replace scheme worked well for me, since I wanted to change the
type size anyway. If you're happy with the size and font, you can
accomplish the same thing by editing the numbers in the expression list
(ie, edit "7" to "8", "6" to "7", etc.)  In that case, you'll want to start
at the high numbers and work down, or else you might easily get confused
and make a mess of things.

I agree that it would be nice to have a plug-in that simply numbers the
measures without thinking about whether they're real repeats.  It would
also be nice if you had some input variables to set the size, font,
starting number, increment, etc.

(Or, more broadly, the plug-in can give an option of whether to test if the
measures match, so that if testing is ON it will behave like the current
plug-in and only number consecutive measures which are identical, and if
testing is OFF it will behave like we're asking for and number all selected
measures regardless.  There could also be intermediate options -- for
example, check that the notes match but ignore ties.)


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