Hello Dennis,

> I think I've already raised this question without success: is there by

> any chance a plug-in that could give me (in the clipboard, for
> in one go, the range of all parts of a choral score*? If not, is such
> plug-in conceivable? Would any of our plug-inners (or pluggers-in) be 
> interested in adding it to their collection? I'd be willing to donate 
> the idea ;-).

Yes, this would be very possible. We have a demo standalone program that
does ranges one part at a time, with distributions as well as simple
ranges. But we could modify this to show ranges for all parts at once.

This seems related to (but in several ways simpler) than the handbell
plug-in requested a few weeks ago.

We'll see what we can do. If others are interested in this please let us

Happy holidays to all!


Michael Good
Recordare LLC

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