I didn't think they had released the specs for the native .MUS files -- they released the specs for the .ETF files (not quite the same thing but close) back around Finale97 or 98. I don't recall ever seeing mention of any other release of file specs.

Johannes Gebauer wrote:
On 16.01.2003 15:09 Uhr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

<< One of my colleagues uses Sibelius (despite my numerous attempts to
convert him). He is having trouble opening my FinWin2003 files in
Sibelius though. Any ideas? >>

File format has changed in 2003 (probably to screw up people who use
Sibelius!). I would not expect Sibelius to come up with a converter that can
handle Fin2003 files - not soon, probably not ever.

I think the Finale File format is public, so why wouldn't anyone come up
with a converter?


David H. Bailey

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