Michael Cook wrote:

At 17:13 +0000 16/01/2003, Patsy Moore wrote:
>>... However, I've just tried creating a text expression and
>>superimposing it first on a crescendo hairpin, which worked, and then
>>on a slur which didn't! Very mysterious. I'm using FinWin 2000c.

>The hairpin is measure-attached, but he slur was certainly a note-
>attached one. If you replace it with a measure-attached slur, the
>expression will cover it..

I've just opened Finale and read the stuff about measure-attached slurs,
which I didn't know existed, but which turn out to be a form of shape
expression. I created a measure-attached slur and tried to superimpose a
measure-attached text expression over it. As soon as I re-drew the
screen the slur showed through the nominally opaque background again.
When I tried superimposing it on the staff instead the staff lines were
masked but the notes showed through.


(formerly [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Conductor, arranger, etc. etc. Newbury College Late Starters' Orchestra
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