Has anybody ever come across transposing quarter steps with Finale?

The reason I ask is that I have a piece which contains quarter step sharp
accidentals as well as a "normal" flat accidental. The score is in C, but it
also has parts which need to be transposed into their native tonalities.

The accidentals are as follows, starting from the lowest and going to the

(1) flat (the normal one)
(2) natural
(3) quarter step up
(4) sharp (the normal one = two quarter steps up)
(5) three quarter steps up

Double flat and double sharp (the traditional ones) do not appear in the
piece at all.

My plan is to use alternative accidental characters for double flat and
double sharp. On paper I get "quarter step up" by pressing flat, or "-" in
speedy, twice, and on paper I would get "three quarter steps up" by pressing
shartp, or "+" in speedy, twice. This way I would avoid having to change
accidentals on a note-by-note basis.

My question is: if I proceed in this way, will I have problems later when I
have to transpose the music I inputed for clarinet (B-flat) and French Horn
(F)? Even though Finale *thinks* it is a double flat, it would be a quarter
sharp on paper, and even though Finale *thinks* it is a double sharp, it
would be a three-quarter sharp on paper.

Would this save me work after transposition?


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