Yes: I just tried this with a Finale Mac 3.0 file and the clef didn't change. I don't know why this doesn't work, but I have a way round it:

- Instead of using "First Clef" in the staff style, click on the Select button next to "Transposition".
- In the "Staff Transpositions" dialog that appears, choose "Set to Clef" and choose the alto clef.

A staff style thus created will (at least with the older converted file I tried on Mac) correctly change the clef. I know it seems odd to use a "Transposition" dialog when you don't actually transpose anything, but this just happens to be the place where someone decided to put the "Set to Clef" function.

Michael Cook

At 11:33 -0500 11/02/2003, James wrote:
I'm sure by now some of you have tried the staff style, select first
clef problem I've mentioned and found that it works just fine on a
new file. All of the files I've been trying to do this on were files
converted from as far back as Finale2000 (windows vers). I tried it
on a new file - default document - and surprise, it works. So, any
idea why a file created in an older version of Finale fails? Thanks
for any other suggestions that may be waiting for me in a second whe
I check my email.

James Gilbert

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