Johannes Gebauer writes:

It's an idea. I now wonder, however, whether the number should in fact be on
both staves anyway. Or should it be in between the staves?
Yes. I believe I have seen keyboard parts where the multimeasure rest number was between the staves. It certainly makes sense. Instead of using "white-out" for the unwanted number, however, I would use Measure Menu/Multimeasure/Edit and enter an amount that will move the number off the page.

Hal Owen
Harold Owen
2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403
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Sounds like you need to enter a number that is one digit larger than the current multi rest amount in the box labelled "start at". This will in fact REMOVE all rest numbers and allow you to enter a number using a text box or staff expression.. whichever you wish to choose.

An example would be... |----- 3 -----| . Click the measure in question to highlight it, use the staff attributes tool and then choose edit from the staff tool menu. In the dialog window there is a choice for which number to start measuring the rest at. This number needs to be changed to reflect a number that is LARGER than the current number assigned to that particular rest in question. This will then cause the number above the multi rests to disappear for that selected measure only and will allow you to create your own number and place it wherever you wish to make it viewable at within the measure.

J. Scott Jones
Band/Orchestra Director/Freelance Trumpet Player-Teacher/Music Engraver
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