In a message dated 2/21/03 3:46:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I'm working on a single instrument part with a lot of time signature 
changings. At the end of a staff, the last measure show a cautionary time 
That is wrong : I don't understand why the staff lines of this measure ended 
against the page margin and the cautionary time signature is out ?
When I reajust the system margin to the left, It's worse...
Thanks for your help.

Yes - I've seen this many times, too. I am not sure what the exact cause is 
but it does relate to the multi-meas. rest at the end of the system. 

I assume that you have updated the layout - so your only option is not to use 
the Pg. layout tool but use the measure tool and drag the barline before the 
caut. key sig to the left. Now print it or take an eps snapshot of the page 
because if you update the layout you will lose this edit.

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