Both programs can exist on the same disk.  I had 98 and 2k1d on the same hard disk with Win98SE without problems.  Make sure you store (install) each in separate folders, i.e. Fin 97 in a Folder entitled "Finale 97" and 2k3 in "Finale 2003".  I never had the occasion to have both open at the same time or copy between the two.  I would assume you might run into font, etc. problems moving backwards from 2k3 to 97.  Maybe someone else can address that portion.

At 10:28 AM 2/25/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Hi all--

I appreciate the suggestions and comments received on my XP OS/Finale 97c
compatibility issue. The latest poster (David Bailey) suggests I simply
upgrade to 2003 on the XP and have 97c resident. This is certainly less
work than creating a new partition.........  brilliant!

I'm guessing this is how I'd proceed and things would work: installing the
upgrade would allow the proper midi capabilities for 2003 so I can enter
notes my usual way. Then I can open 97c for other work.

My questions are:
can both programs be open at the same time in XP so I can copy/paste the
notes?  - or -
do I have to create clip files or .mid files in 2003 for 97c import?
where should the two separate programs and their files reside on disk?
is there anything else I need to know?!!!

Now I can resume my search for adapters for the midi cables...........

For inquiring minds, if this were my personal choice I'd have upgraded a
long time ago, but one very active client insists on using the older

Cecil Rigby

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