Title: MacFin and System 10.2.4
Dear Listers,

Can any of you substantiate this?

>Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 20:29:36 -0500
>From: "David Dixon"
>Subject: 10.2.4 and Finale
>FYI, Finale, the pro-level music notation software used by many arrangers and engravers has not worked at all with MIDI in Classic for most users. Much to our dismay, the OSX version will not appear until late summer, according to Coda Music Technology (codamusic.com). So, booting into OS9 is still a way of life for me. However, 10.2.4 seems to have fixed the problem, and MIDI now functions in Classic! Speculation has been that the "audio and MIDI" enhancements in 10.2.4 addressed the problem.

>Finale was developed on the Mac, and was Mac-only during it's first few years, so it's great that Apple has made strides to fix these compatibility problems.

Harold Owen
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