OK, I've read the documentation till my eyes glazed, but can't find the answer to this one:

I'm using FinMac2002b.

I've used Finale since 1988, so I don't need basic help. I have used the expressions to great advantage programming tempo, velocity, etc. changes, so I know about all that stuff. I also use a good many metatools, which are a real help... except...

Well, here's my problem. I have lots of metatools programmed, and use them constantly. I always have the "context" indication selected, by the way. But that doesn't seem to make any difference. But often when I select the expression tool, and hold and click for example, the "p" for pizz, I get nothing, even though I know it's supposed to work, and when I double click to see what the problem is, I get the [EMAIL PROTECTED]&^% SHAPE dialog box instead of the TEXT set. I can't think of anything I've done to select that SHAPE set instead of TEXT. I have to manually select text and then select the pizz, which may be three scrolling clicks down the list. In short, it's a pain in the ...

Having selected TEXT, I'd figure it would go for the text from then on, but no... It usually lingers in SHAPE box mode till I'm screaming with frustration. But then, two expressions later, it gives me the right text expression with the metatool click, and has gone back to the TEXT set, for no apparent reason.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Linda Worsley

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