Listers, there are two curious things that have plagued my Finale programs for several versions now. And a colleague I work with has the same problem.

Both of us are using 2002b (yes, waiting for a native OSX version) on excellent, recent Macs (G4s), but this curious behavior has been around through a couple of versions of Finale and at least four different Mac computers.

1) Sometimes opening a new file brings up a wide, narrow score window. In other words, I get a wide rectangular window, a couple of inches high, showing only a few staves of music. I have to pull it down to full window size. No, this isn't one of the usual press-here-and-the-window-gets-smaller things. It's a full size window, just made into a skinny horizontal box. It is also intermittent, with no particular cause. It happens sometimes when opening from within the program, or when double clicking on the icon (with the program open or closed... it seems to make no difference), when opening a second window... or not. In other words, in a random fashion. Any clues? Anybody else have that problem?

2) Another intermittent phenomenon: Dialog box text (usually in playback window) turn into some kind of sanskrit writing... it looks like arabic or sumerian... or Martian?... It happens, again, randomly, and disappears if I quit the program and start it over. I don't need to reboot the computer, just quit and restart Finale.


Linda Worsley

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