Darcy, I love you.

I have been struggling with this for a long time today and then reread this message carefully. I had everything working fine as long as I was creating a new document but when I tried to open a saved document FInale crashed.

The answer was opening the default document first. I don't know how you figured that out but you are a genius. Thanks so much.

Jane Frasier

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 11:38 AM, Darcy James Argue wrote:

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 04:03 AM, Jonathan Smith wrote:
Darcy & Doug,

It was all running very smoothly for me in 10.2 until I installed a Midiman USB keystation controller. Classic loads fine but as soon as I go to load Finale it freezes at the "Loading Floating menus" point in the start up screen. Strangely it all works perfectly well with Sib. > 2.

I'm still trying to figure out why?

This used to be a problem in earlier version of OS X. Are you *sure* you are using 10.2.4? (Versions 10.2.3 and older will *not* work.) You might try downloading the standalone 10.2.4 installer from Apple's web site and reinstalling 10.2.4, even if you have already installed 10.2.4 via the Software Update control panel -- some users have reported problems with 10.2.4 that went away when they used the standalone installer.

Again, the usual steps are:

- check the boards on Coda's web site to see if anyone else has reported success (or failure) with your MIDI interface
- make sure you have downloaded the latest OS X drivers for your gear
- make sure everything is set up correctly in Audio MIDI Setup, trim your Classic extension set down to a minimum (or install a clean version of OS 9.2.2 that you will use exclusively for Classic)
- make sure you have OMS configured correctly in Classic
- if Finale won't launch, backup your old preferences and then remove them from their usual location (Finale folder or Classic System Folder), so that Finale starts with a fresh set of prefs
- experiment with the default application launch behavior -- I have mine set to create a new blank document based on the default file. This seems to work best. If I try to open an existing file without opening the default file first, Finale will often crash.
- if all else fails, remove the plugin folder entirely. Then try adding them back again one by one.

- Darcy

Boston MA

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

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