I have these old (Finale 3.0.1!) files that need importing into the Finale 2002 score template I've set up. I'm then going to re-extract the parts -- this seems like the most logical route. For some of the movements of this piece I have the score (in Fin 3.0.1 format) and for some of them I just have the parts. In any case, what is the best way to get these copied into the new Fin2002 score I just set up? Simply copying and pasting doesn't handle the score expressions or smart shapes (or much of anything, except the notes, articulations and lyrics).
Also, the score order is different in the new score so I have to copy one section at a time. I suppose I could save a copy of the Fin 3.0.1 score and re-arrange the staves to match my new layout -- that might help. But any suggestions on how to make this easier would be greatly appreciated.
I would open the 3.0.1 file in 2002, see if it imported correctly (fat chance), then re-order the staves, copy to a clip file, then INSERT (not paste!) the clip file into the template before the first measure, then delete all the extra measures that will be at the end.
Then you have a big job checking all the ties, smart shapes, etc... changing fonts of text expressions, chords, etc...and deleting articulations and replacing them with yours. This is done quickly in the Articulation Selection dialogue box, fortunately. Oh, yes, and staff lists don't import at all. Is there a plug in to handle this? I seem to remember something...
This has worked for me in the past. Drum staves never work out very well, though, as there is some issue with percussion maps not being compatible, so that once teh clip is inserted and the drum notes are a third too low, I can't tranpose them properly, and end up having to re-pitch them in Speedy Entry with the right arrow and the appropriate note held down on the MIDI keyboard.
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