Hi all,
I have in a score a Bar. Sax with the indication "au besoin" doubling a Bass Clarinet. Do you think that :
1."if needeed" is the right translation of "au besoin" ?
2. I have to put the Bar. Sax in small notes ?
Thanks in advance.
In every instance where I have seen this (or needed to indiate an alternate instrument myself), it has been this way:
A double-staff system, square bracketed. It appears this way on the part, too, unless the ENTIRE piece has the instrument substituted, in which case there are two separate parts, with the Bar. Sax marked:
Bar. Sax (alternate part for Bass Clarinet)
or possibly
Bar. Sax (replaces Bass Clarinet)
In the case of a double-staff part, the top staff should be the first choice, in this case, bass clarinet.
The bottom staff should be normal size, and marked "Bar. Sax (alternate)"
Sometimes I have had to do this when indicating that the bari sax player should switch to bass clarinet for a passage, but I need to give him the same part for that passage in bari sax transposition, in case he doesn't have one.
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