In my experience, metatools are invaluable, and are one of those things by
which you can tell if someone has done the tutorial or not!

However, I've found that if you programme metatools into your default
document, and then create a new document, the time signature metatools are
wiped out, which is a real shame.  (Yes I've reported this to Coda).  Does
it work this way on Windows?

Actually, thinking about it a bit more, there would be no reason why time
signatures couldn't operate in the same way as articulations, with a
selection panel from which you can choose a variety of preprogrammed ones,
with metatools marked in the corner, plus the ability to create new ones via
a 'create' menu.  It would make the process of time signature changes much
more transparent and more harmonious with other modes within Finale (e.g.
selecting from a list).  And even better, if all of these ones, including
the newly-programmed ones, appeared dynamically in the contextual menu.

Matthew Hindson
note new email address: add .au to end of old one

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