Hi David, In general, I think the best approach to harmonic analysis from Finale is to export your Finale file to MusicXML, and from there to an even more analysis-oriented format like Humdrum/Kern:
http://dactyl.som.ohio-state.edu/Humdrum/ While you could do analysis within a plug-in, the data structures are not really amenable to it, especially for harmonic analysis. MusicXML is likewise more oriented towards melodic than harmonic analysis. But when you get to a format like Humdrum, melody and harmony are more equally weighted, due to its lattice-like file structure. (Kern is to Humdrum as MusicXML is to XML.) From the UI point of view, you could wrap the export -> analysis -> reimport annotations process within a single plug-in. Several people have been working on translators between Kern and MusicXML, but I don't know of an accurate, publicly available translator yet. Maybe there will be soon given the university interest in this type of work. If there's money to pay for the development work, Recordare would be interested, and most likely other plug-in developers as well. Best regards, Michael Good Recordare LLC www.recordare.com _______________________________________________ Finale mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.shsu.edu/mailman/listinfo/finale