At 10:14 AM +0200 6/17/03, Pierre Bailleul wrote:
Hi all,

I'm working on a contrabass part.
In several slurred passages, I have to input bowing indications, slurs, articulations and fingerings on down stem notes.
1 Do you think that the right vertical input above the note is at first articulation then fingering inside slurs and bowing outside ?
2 How can I proceed with accent articulation on the first note of a slurred passage ?
3 On just one down stem note, I have marcato sign, harmonic (circle), fingering and fermata ??
Thanks in advance for your responses.


In the only bass method I have here (Simandl) the fingerings are consistently BELOW the staff, horizontally aligned, like lyrics. Where there are alternate fingerings, they are above the staff. The string and position indications (I, II, etc. for position, but G, D, etc. for strings) are placed above the staff.

Some articulations normally go inside slurs (like stacattos and tenutos); these should stay that way. Finale allows you to set these automatically in the Articulation placement dialogue box. Marcato and sideways accents go outside the slur normally, as far as I can tell.

In every case in this book, the bow markings V and n (you know what I mean) go OUTSIDE the slurs when the slurs are above the passage (OBviously, bow marks ALWAYS go above the staff). Where there are accents outside the slur (marcato sign) the bow marks go above that. In fact, there doesn't seem to be ANYTHING that is higher than the bowing marks; they seem to be the last thing added.

In the case of three articulations, I know fermatas go outside marcatos, but the harmonic circle? You've got me. I see no reference anywhere, and I know I have never written a harmonic with an accent in my life (I wonder why not?) I might be inclined to put circle, marcato, fermata in ascending order, with the fingering beneath.
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