At 6:12 PM -0400 6/17/03, ch_orcino wrote:
I have a minor problem. I haven't been able to figure out how to notate:
dotted quarter = 80.
Related problem: I also have been trying to figure out how to notate: dotted
quarter/sixteenth = eighth note/eighth rest/ eighth note triplet (as
commonly done on jazz charts to indicate swing).
I've checked the font bank and haven't found any acceptable symbols.

THe easiest way by far is to select the first measure in the Mass Edit tool, then go into the plugins menu and use Create Tempo Marking. The dialogue box is self-explanatory.

For the other, what I would do is to create a new file and enter the rhythm, then make the staff lines invisible, then use the graphic tool to export it, then import it into your score as a shape expression.

BTW, if you were on the list a month or so ago, we went into exhaustive detail about why that notation is not an accurate representation of a swing rhythm. I won't re-open it here, but you could find the discussion in the archives. Suffice to say that the indication you are suggesting probably never has been used to indicate swing, and even "dotted-eighth-sixteenth equals quarter-eighth triplet" (more usual) hasn't been COMMONLY used since about 1950 or so, as the usual indication nowadays is simply "swing" or "swing eighths" or perhaps "jazz feel" and write eighth notes rather than dotted-eighth-sixteenth.
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