Richard Huggins writes:

Finale is so dadgum ^%$# unreliable as to how it does the stems in voices,
I'll use another layer just out of frustration of getting them all like
they're supposed to be. I really wish Coda would address that, because it
can be a multi-step operation to fix the stems. Once in awhile it does them
right, but I've never figured out what rules it is following so as to get
them to come out right the first time every time.

Dear Richard,

Finale's stem positioning using Voice 1, Voice 2 is completely predictable, once you understand how it works. If Voice one has the upper note, position the insertion point below it to enter Voice 2. Then the upper note will have an up stem and the lower a down stem. The opposite is true. If Voice 2 is to be the upper note, position the insertion point above the Voice 1 note before entering the Voice 2 note. Notice, however, that I said "note' - singular. When Voice 1 on top has more than one note, you must toggle the stem on any down-stem noes after the first one. Once you understand this, it's not really a problem.

I use layers when the music is contrapuntal or when there is a passage of more than a measure with two voices in one staff. However, the Voice 1, Voice 2 method is very convenient for the occasional note or series of notes in one bar often encountered in keyboard music. Those of us who started with Finale Verion 1 will remember that V-1, V-2 was the only way to deal with contrapuntal keyboard music. The introduction of layers was a very welcome event indeed.
Harold Owen
2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403
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