And that's what makes our economic system!

Thanks all to this great information -- on my ancient MacPC I've come to the conclusion that if I want my midi files to be on CD I must first go to tape and transfer back in to the computer --- frankly the loss of fidelity is minor compared to the quality of outboard instruments I have versus the QT instruments. Or am I missing something?


Crystal Premo wrote:

You are actually much more fortunate than I am in that my current machine,

which runs fine in OS 9, is really not up to date enough to run OS X
seriously. For me the next year will require a major investment to run OS X.
In addition I will need a new scanner, cd-burner, printer and several major
software updates. So don't complain about some shareware app that can be
replaced by free software...<<

I understand. I have invested quite a bit in this brand new system, and it has been a tremendous struggle to get it working. Now I will have to invest again in the Finale software when it is OSX compatible. It seems that there is no end to it.

Crystal Premo

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