Title: Re: [Finale] Feature request (#10 in a series)
From Noel S.:

To whom it may concern:

If not implemented in FIN 2k4, one thing I would like to see in 2k5 is
the capability to edit characteristics of crescendo and descrescendo
smart shapes using a dialog box.  Upon creating a crescendo smartshape,
it should be possible to pull up a dialog box showing the parameters it
uses:  distance from the origin, length, and angle.  Thus, if I want to
duplicate that crescendo exactly, as into the other parts in the same
score at the same point, or I want to make the following decrescendo
exactly the same width at the broad end as the crescendo, I can do so by
editing the appropriate parameters.

Dear Noel,

Patterson's Mass Copy will handle the exact duplication very nicely, and SmartFind and Paint will also do it with a few more moves.

I must say, however, that I would not favor most of your suggested features because they would tend to make a very complicated application even more so. If it were possible to change font, size, and style and add carriage returns within expressions (as it is now with shape expressions, albeit rather awkward), I would be very happy.


Harold Owen
2830 Emerald St., Eugene, OR 97403
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