Title: feature requests
Noel Stoutenberg wrote:

If not implemented in FIN 2k4, one thing I would like to see in 2k5 is
the ability to attach an _expression_ to another _expression_, besides being
able to attach it to a measure or a note.  etc......

This would be useful for "subito p" as well....something I have been doing "kludgily" by lining up separate expressions, and separate fonts, since there's no subito in Maestro.

Now, here's a question for programing literate folk:  Is it a practical idea to ask for the integration of horizontal scrolling without a cursor click in the scrolling line...maybe using the arrow keys or integrated scroll wheels in track balls and mice (let's not get back into the mouses/mice debate, please!)?  How nice would it be to avoid moving the cursor to accomplish this.  Somehow, my intuition tells me that this is not easy, or it probably would have been done, but maybe someone who knows more than I has an idea.

Chuck Israels
230 North Garden Terrace
Bellingham  WA 98225-5836
(360) 671-3402  fax (360) 676-6055

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