On 02.08.2003 22:03 Uhr, D. Keneth Fowler wrote

> In checking the extracted parts of a string quintet, I found a problem in
> one measure of Violin 1. The measure contains two quarter notes plus a
> quarter rest. Same deal in Violin 2 and both viola parts. All four of these
> parts are to have a trill on the first quarter. In the Violin 1 part there
> is a trill marking in the measure, but it is between the first and second
> quarters, not over the first quarter. I have tried everything I can think
> of to get a handle to appear so I can drag, or delete, the marking. No
> luck. In Viola 2, the trill sign is after the last note in the previous
> measure. I can't move or delete that marking either.

Perhaps you used a smart shape trill?

Probably the best way to select it is the selection tool (if you are in a
recent version of Finale) - double click and you should be in the tool that
created the trill.


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