At 02:29 PM 8/8/03 +0000, Robert Patterson Finale wrote:
>Now I have a problem with the fonts embedded in the PDFs.
>Apparently the music fonts are embedded in the first page of 
>music. But I have several pages of title and cover preceding 
>these. The problem is, when Acrobat prints the pages out of 
>sequence (for the booklet), it fails to find the music fonts until 
>page 1 of music. The preceding pages all use Courier instead!
>Has anyone encountered this, or could suggest a solution?

I think a solution was offered the other day to a similar problem. If I
recall correctly (and I didn't keep the post), the answer was to create
some sort of invisible expressions (such as hard spaces) on the first page
(or first booklet page) in each of the fonts you are using. That will cause
them to download.

Though I haven't tried it, that sounds like a workable solution.


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