David van Ooijen writes:

I'm sorry if I have not been clear. So let me explain again

I have two problems.
1) I have a file where Music Spacing does not work properly. It was a file I
saved under a new name, erased all the notes and put in new notes. So I
thought the erased notes could have something to do with this particular
problem, by want of any other explanation. Yes: I unlocked the systems, no,
there are no lyrics in this file, no, there are no hidden optimised systems.
Just Music Spacing does not work well: it leaves the notes very unevenly
spaced within the bars. As if there were lyrics under some of the notes.

Dear David,

Is it possible that the original file had Music Spacing/Manual Positioning set to "Incorporate"? It may be that these manual adjustments remained after you cleared notes.

Harold Owen
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