Dear Matthew,
IMO this problem is related with the Undo/Redo files. Try to turn it off or
reduce the Undo/redo levels to 1 to see what happen (but do a copy of the
file first with a new name!).
Also you may benefit of using a RAM disk to store the temporary files (no
idea how you do that in Windows).

Hope it helps a bit.

> I recently completed a piece that was composed
> pretty much entirely within Finale.  This process of working entailed a lot
> of Mass Mover Copy/Replace and Copy/Insert, the latter of which I found
> particularly dangerous in terms of corrupting files.
> Maybe as a result of this way of working, I'm finding the file incredibly
> slow to work with.  Any simple operation, e.g. going in and out of Speedy
> Entry, can result in a spinning note cursor for 5-10, even 20 seconds.  The
> file isn't that big, about 500 bars of string quartet, but it's immensely
> irritating (Finale 2002 on Mac).  I've tried doing a Data Check to remove
> deleted items but with no discernable difference.
> SO... I would like to copy and paste the whole file into a new document.  In
> the past when I've tried this, things like clefs as well as measure-attached
> expressions have moved around or done things like ignored staff lists and be
> put into every staff.  Does anyone have immense experience with doing things
> like this, i.e. successfully?  Any helpful tips gratefully received.
> TIA,
> Matthew
> --
> Matthew Hindson
> note new email address: add .au to end of old one
> * Very strong spam-blocker in place
> * If you have troubles, resend to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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