I suspect this may be you getting caught out as I was way back in Fin 2001.
In a simple piece- e.g. a very basic Christmas Carol, where 2nd Trumpet part and 2nd Clarinet were identical, I took to extracting 2nd Clar- put name at top- (Clar 2) save as Clar 2. Rename Trpt 2,- save as Trpt 2. Re-open later- find both still named Clar 2.
I discovered by trial and error that by not closing the text-box (removing the enclosure) before saving -(or printing) I had not 'officially' completed the alteration.
Happened several times- and is easily done!
A possible scenario anyway!
Cheers, Keith in OZ
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 10:25 PM
Subject: [Finale] 2004 Bug?

FinWin 2004:

Take a document which has a text box containing the field "composer." Save it, re-open it, change the composer's name, then close the file. Shouldn't Finale ask you if you want to save the changes before closing the file? It doesn't anymore! When you re-open the file, you've got the old composer's name back.

- Ken

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