Here's an update. If I am in mass edit mode and move the music across by doing edit copy from one file and edit past into the other file, it all works fine. That solves my problem, but it seems to me the drag operation shouldn't work halfway. If the drag operation can't copy everything, then it ought to be disabled altogether.

At 11:29 PM 8/28/2003 -0500, Craig Parmerlee wrote:
There is something that has been driving me nuts. Finale 2002 had a peculiar behavior (OK, I think it is a bug). I never used 2003 and assumed it was fixed there, but I see it is still wrong in 2004.

I want to use mass edit to drag a whole piece of music onto another MUS file. The music comes across perfectly, but none of the expressions come across.

Situation: I'm using SharpEye to scan individual parts. My purpose is to integrate them to make a score for the conductor. SharpEye puts all the dynamic marks in all the right places as expressions. I have a separate MUS file for each of the parts I scanned. I then create another MUS file with all the staves for the score. If I use mass edit to drag measures around WITHIN one MUS file, the expressions copy as expected. But when I drag this music onto my score file, the notes and hairpins come across, but the expressions are lost. I have "Copy everything" set in mass edit.

Any ideas about this?

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