Title: [Finale] Re: Finale Digest, Vol 2, Issue 10
And it is beyond me how "I couldn't care less" has turned into "I could care less," completely reversing it's meaning while being used in the sense of the original _expression_.  End of Rant.


If you really want to know, check out http://www.quinion.com/words/qa/qa-ico1.htm,
from wh. the following is excerpted:

There's a close link between the stress pattern of I could care less and the kind that appears in certain sarcastic or self-deprecatory phrases that are associated with the Yiddish heritage and (especially) New York Jewish speech. Perhaps the best known is I should be so lucky!, in which the real sense is often "I have no hope of being so lucky", a closely similar stress pattern with the same sarcastic inversion of meaning. There's no evidence to suggest that I could care less came directly from Yiddish, but the similarity is suggestive. There are other American expressions that have a similar sarcastic inversion of apparent sense, such as Tell me about it!, which usually means "Don't tell me about it, because I know all about it already". These may come from similar sources.
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